Landen 60P Rimless Aquarium Tank Review

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If you are in the market for a new aquarium, or perhaps your first one, you may want to check out the Landen 60P Rimless Aquarium.

When it comes to quality glass and an aesthetically pleasing design, it certainly stands out from the competition, providing an almost seamless view of the fish and aquatic environment you create.

best aquarium

It is durable, is incredibly clear due to it being made of low-iron glass, and is sleek and simplistic in appearance.

However, not everyone speaks of a good experience with this aquarium. Some users thought it was too expensive for how little is provided, noted that it was not a kit for beginners, and some didn’t like that conventional lids did not fit the tank.

Nonetheless, before you make your final decision, let’s take a closer look at the Landen 60P Rimless Aquarium Tank.

Landen 60P Rimless Aquarium Tank: The Details


  • Weight: 2 lbs.
  • Dimensions: 6 x 14.2 x 11.8 inches.
  • Capacity: 1 gallon.
  • Lighting: No.
  • Glass or Acrylic: Glass.
  • Accessories: Black levelling mat.


Crystal Clear Glass

The Landen 60P Rimless Aquarium is made of six-millimetre low-iron glass.

What does low-iron mean in practice? This translates to the glass’ base composition, which contains less iron than most other competing tanks, especially those of older designs.

The less iron, the clearer the glass is. You may have noted that aquariums obtain a green tint over time, or they may display it fresh from the packaging. It’s the iron that does this.

Low iron levels result in the glass being crystal clear, so you can see your fish and/or plant life as vibrantly as possible.

Levelling Mat

While the Landen aquarium doesn’t come with much, it does provide a levelling mat.

This accessory will ensure the tank sits evenly on whatever base you choose, while also reducing pressure points on your table or custom stand.

Furthermore, it provides grip and traction that keeps the aquarium from sliding or slipping on the base, even if it’s particularly sleek.

You may not receive a base with this purchase, but Landen prepares you for whichever kind you elect to buy.

Silicone Rimming

There is silicone rimming around the edges and corners of this aquarium. This results in greater durability overall, ensuring you won’t experience leaks or cracks even as the tank ages or receives a few hits (from a curious cat or a rowdy toddler for example).

Landen pays special attention to the silicone rimming, as it’s the main feature holding this aquarium together.

Unlike other aquarium manufacturers, Landen applies the rimming by hand, paying special attention to each tank so that you get the best possible results.

best rimless aquarium

Landen 60P Rimless Aquarium Tank Review

The Positives

Good Clarity

You may be thinking: Of course an aquarium has great clarity, it’s made of glass! However, not all aquariums are made equal.

The Landen Rimless Aquarium is constructed of low-iron glass that eliminates that dreaded green tint while also giving you a starker portal through which to view your fish.

The lower the iron content of the glass, the clearer the view you have into your aquarium! No matter where you place this aquarium, you can guarantee that your fish and accessories will shine brightly.

This makes this aquarium a great option for aquascaping, since your design won’t be lacking thanks to your tank.

Good Customer Service

Many users also noted how great Landen’s customer service is. If they had any issues with their tank or any problems setting it up, they were able to contact Landen easily and receive a quick solution to their troubles.

No long waits on the phone or no being ghosted in emails.

While few users experienced any issue at all with their purchase, it is always nice to have someone at the company who is there to take your concerns seriously.

Well-Priced and Well-Built                                    

Users also noted how much they appreciated the build-quality of this rimless aquarium. The tank is made of thick six-millimetre glass, which is more than enough to take a hit or two without cracking!

The corners and rims are piped with silicone to ensure that you don’t worry about leaks. This is especially impressive when this tank is on the lower end of the price spectrum.

Landen 60P Rimless Low Iron Aquarium Tank

It’s great to see that you can get a relatively inexpensive tank that it still well-built and reliable.

The price alone opens up this stylish aquarium to a variety of hobbyists including those on a smaller budget. You won’t be spending too much on your tank right off the bat, and there’s no need for compromise on quality.

Good Design

Numerous testers mentioned just how nice and sleek-looking this aquarium is. While this is a question of personal preference, it is important that the aquarium you place in your home is aesthetically pleasing.

No one wants an eyesore in their living room or workspace just for the sake of owning an aquarium.

The rimless design provides a very modern and fresh look, with nothing besides the logo to block your view of the fish or aquascape. It is completely streamlined!

The Landen aquarium will easily fit into a variety of homes regardless of decor, and may actually end up giving your room the lift it needs.


This tank is also lightweight, broadening the options of where you can place it. Weighing in at just over twenty pounds, it won’t be a hassle to find a sturdy enough platform to show off your aquarium.

Lighter aquariums make tasks like cleaning, maintenance, and moving all the easier, and rest assured that doesn’t mean it takes anything away from its high-quality construction.

The size of this tank is far from obnoxious, making it a choice for those who are tight on space whether in a studio, dorm or office.

Super Customizable

This aquarium gives you the option to have complete control over your tank and its style. Everything from the filter to lights, to the type of cover that suits you best can be included with this filter.

While some users may be alarmed that it doesn’t come with many things to get started, it will appeal to those who already have an idea about the specific desires they want for their aquarium.

If you feel like trying out unique aquascaping techniques, or if you’re keen on fine-tuning your fish’s requirements this tank will be a dream.

Landen Rimless Aquarium Tank review

The Negatives

Not for Beginners

The most frequent negative our testers reported about the Landen 60 P Rimless Aquarium is that it is not for beginners.

This is a very bare-bones kit. It doesn’t come with anything but the tank and the leveling mat. That’s it.

For more experienced users, this won’t be an issue. However, it doesn’t provide a lot of information on how to set it up either, so if you’re unfamiliar with the process, if this is your first aquarium, or if you are unsure how to set this particular design up, this is not the one for you.

If you’ve had aquariums in the past and are a seasoned pro at assembly, this shouldn’t be a problem.

Might Be Expensive for Some

Of course, pricing is all relative. While some users found it to be a relatively inexpensive aquarium, some thought, for what you get (a.k.a. not that much), it was too expensive.

When you realize that only a tank, mat, and some bare-bones instructions are included with this purchase, you can begin to see their point.

If you are looking for an aquarium kit that provides a wider range of accessories, is more helpful in guiding you through the set-up process, and even includes a few extras (such as filter media or a pump), this is definitely not the aquarium for you.

Luckily, there are plenty on the market that will fit your needs.

Conventional Lid Doesn’t Fit

If you want a lid for this aquarium, it can be difficult to find one. Users noted that when they bought a conventional lid, it did not fit this tank.

That is an unfortunate issue. Whether you aim to keep out dust and debris, curious pets, or to keep your jumpy fish inside the tank, a lid can be necessary.

Having to search for a more customized lid, and then pay a higher price for this luxury, is a disadvantage to the overall value of this product.

Here’s a video showing a quick look at what the Landen 60P Rimless Aquarium looks like out of the box.

Overall Verdict

After looking over all the positives and negatives, we are recommending the Landen 60P Rimless Aquarium – but only for users who have experience with setting up and using aquariums. This aquarium is too bare-bones for a new aquarist.

While Landen seems to provide great customer service, when you buy a product, some customers expect that you should be able to put it together and set it up yourself with what the company provides.

If this is your first aquarium, that will be easier said than done. If you’ve set up aquariums in the past, this may be just the tank you’re looking for. It all depends on your skill level.

If you’re comfortable with taking your aquarium in your own hands, the Landen 60P Aquarium will definitely be the one to show off your creative efforts.

Where to Buy the Landen 60P Rimless Aquarium Tank

Landen has an array of products for customers to browse, many of them being aquatic products and aquariums. Regardless of the item though, customers have been giving great feedback to this growing company.

This tank is available in a variety of sizes, though it doesn’t make a difference in quality and customer satisfaction. The Rimless Aquarium Tank shows off this company’s simplicity and minimalistic approach as well as their attention to high-standards.

The fact that Landen is more of an online brand can make the Landen aquarium harder to find in-store and online, but this allows the company to keep their products accessible and more affordable than others.

When you do go shopping it’s usually best to check pet, fish, and specialty stores, or you can kick-start your search with the following online retailers.

But of course, you can also find this aquarium on Amazon.

Landen 60P Rimless Low Iron Aquarium Tank

That’s our Landen Rimless Aquarium Tank review. Would you give this aquarium a try?

Landen 60P Rimless Aquarium Tank Rated
  • Build Quality
  • Accessories
  • Design
  • Ease of Use
  • Value for Money

FCG Verdict

The Landen 60P Rimless Low Iron Aquarium Tank is perfect for the creative aquarist or for the pet owner who really wants their fish to shine.

While it may not come with everything you need to get your tank running, what it does include is an unobstructed crystal-clear design, a sturdy build, and great customer service.

>>> Check current price on Amazon.

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